October 08, 2011


I was messin' around with some brushes, and I drew some good ol' Chichi (Milk) from Dragon Ball. The best wife an unemployed, irresponsible husband with a tendency to absenteeism could ask for. Who hasn't watched Dragon Ball?

There were so many useless woman characters, except for Bulma and, maybe, N° 18. Anyway, I liked the design of all of them!

Welp. Here's a question for you. Do you think Goku actually loved Chichi? Remember, she married him when Goku didn't even know what "marriage" meant, she probably conceived Gohan without consensual sex too, like a boss.

I had some problems with the pose, and the outcome; but that's the purpose of the blog, to get better (hopefully).

See ya!


Experimentando con algunos brushes dibujé a la siempre buena Chichi (Milk) de Dragon Ball. La mejor esposa que un papá ausente y un esposo cesante podría pedir. ¿Quién no ha visto Dragon Ball?

Había muchos personajes femeninos inútiles en Dragon Ball, excepto por Bulma y, quizás, N°18. Como sea, me gustaba el diseño de todas!

Welp. Aquí hay una pregunta para ustedes. ¿Ustedes creen que Goku amaba realmente a Chichi? Recuerden que se ella se casó con Goku cuando él ni siquiera sabía lo que significaba "matrimonio", probablemente también concibió a Gohan sin sexo consensual, like a boss.

Tuve algunos problemas con la pose y el resultado final, pero ese es el propósito del blog; mejorar (espero).

See ya!


  1. Esta bonito... No recordaba ese diseño de Chichi, aun cuando debo haber visto Dragon Ball unas cuantas veces, quien no?

    Me recuerda a otro personaje, pero no sabria decir quien con certeza, tal vez con lentes...

  2. Si, demás. Al menos con el tiempo.

    La cosa es que igual Gokú fue bien penca pidiendo que no lo revivieran para irse a pelear con fantasmas, y luego yéndose a la cresta en GT (Aunque claro, eso depende si uno cree en GT o no!)

  3. ¡Me encanta!
    Eres talentosa en esto del dibujo. :D

  4. Why did you put Milk? Is that her name on the dub? I like Chichi when she was younger because she doesn't bitch as much as when she became a mom. She just became the most annoying character after Gohan was born.

  5. La verdad no se quien es, porque debo haber visto como maximo 5 capitulos de DB en mi vida. Igual me gusto el dibujo aunque imagino me gustaria mas si supiera quien es jajaja

  6. @Lord Phrozen

    Oh, wow. I thought Milk was the name used in both the U.S. and the latin-american dub.

    Turns out Milk is the name used in Latin America, changed due to "chichi" being a word used for "breast" in Mexico.

    The more you know.

  7. I remember having a crush on her! What a great anime DBZ was. I'm not sure if Goku really loved her though.

  8. Dragon ball for me is the best anime i've ever seen.

  9. Can't say that I do. I think Goku got hoodwinked.

  10. That turned out adorable.
